Job Assistance Program

Language: English

Instructors: TransOrg Analytics

₹75000 excluding GST




Job Assistance Program in other words, is a complete package. It is carefully designed to transform anyone into an industry ready data scientist, not only by the means of knowledge, but also through practical exposure, constant guidance and most importantly through our expert feedback on crucial interview skills.



  • 50+ hours of video content created and curated by TransOrg’s data scientists.
  • 8 - Instructor led demonstration classes illustrating various case studies.
  • Mentorship sessions by industry leaders to help you carve a rewarding career for yourself.
  • Curated problem sets, with extensive feedback on assignments aimed at honing your skills.
  • Live project under the guidance of super star data scientists spanning across a month.
  • Career services to hone your interview skills, and to launch your career in Data Science.

The programme is designed to prepare students with the essentials Data Science skills. It is easy enough to grasp for students of all the engineering branches and takes them to a level where they can get started with their journey of a professional Data Scientist.


Course Curriculum

Module 1- Python for Data Science
Module Introduction (2:00) Preview
Intuition (6:00) Preview
Constructs (12:00) Preview
Data Science Tools (3:00) Preview
Introduction to Jupyter notebooks (9:00) Preview
Basics of Python
Variables (30:00) Preview
Operations (31:00) Preview
Python Operations Jupyter Notebook
Quiz - Basics
Conditional Programming-1 (9:00)
Conditional Programming-2 (5:00)
Conditional Programming-3 (14:00)
Functions in Python-1 (20:00)
Functions in Python-2 (18:00)
Conditional Programming and Functions in Python Jupyter Notebook
Data Structures
Data Structures-1 (27:00)
Quiz - Lists
Data Structures-2 (7:00)
Data Structures-3 (17:00)
Quiz - Sets
Data Structures-4 (18:00)
Quiz - Dictionaries
Python data structures Jupyter notebook
Loops-1 (18:00)
Loops-2 (3:00)
Loops-3 (4:00)
Python Loops Jupyter Notebook
Libraries in Python
Numpy-1 (15:00)
Numpy-2 (7:00)
Numpy Jupyter Notebook
Matplotlib (43:00)
Matplotlib Jupyter Notebook
Quiz - Numpy, Matplotlib
Quiz - End of Chapter Quiz
Coding Assignment - Python Basics
Module 2 - Pandas
Pandas 1 - Basics (23:00)
Pandas 2 - Row, Column Operations (18:00)
Pandas 3 - Accessing data (22:00)
Pandas 4 - Slicing and Sorting (34:00)
Pandas 5 - Grouping and Aggregation (28:00)
Pandas 6 - Pivot Tables (10:00)
Pandas 7 - Joins (18:00)
Pandas 8 - Concat (12:00)
Pandas 9 - Merge (18:00)
Pandas -10 (12:00)
Pandas Quiz
Pandas Jupyter notebooks
Coding Assignment - Python Basics 2
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics (6:00)
Types of variables (6:00)
Measures of Central Tendency and Spread (10:00)
Quiz 1 - Basics
Measuring Position (5:00)
Histograms (4:00)
Quiz 2 - Position
Types of Distributions (5:00)
Normal Distribution (14:00)
Quiz 3 - Distributions
Central Limit Theorem (12:00)
Quiz 4 - Central Limit Theorem
Confidence Intervals (6:00)
T- Distribution (6:00)
Quiz 5 - Confidence Intervals and T distribution
Hypothesis Testing - 1 (9:00)
Hypothesis Testing - 2 (5:00)
Examples on Hypothesis Testing (13:00)
Quiz 6 - Hypothesis testing
Tutorial - Hypothesis testing (4:00)
Tutorial - Sampling (12:00)
Tutorial - Descriptive Primer (10:00)
Final Quiz
Statistics Assignment
Module 4 - Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction (28:00)
Learning process (21:00)
Somethink to think about!
Quiz 1 ML Basics
EDA_FE (31:00)
Quiz 2- Basics
Feature Selection (13:00)
How a model learns (8:00)
Measuring Performance (7:00)
Model Performance (11:00)
Bias-Variance (14:00)
Quiz 3 - How a model works?
Visualisation (27:00)
Quiz 4 EDA
Feature Engg Demo (24:00)
Feature Scaling (13:00)
Quiz 5 Feature Engineering
Module 3 Assignment - EDA
Module 3 Assignment EDA and Feature Engineering
Module 5 - Supervised Learning -1
Module Intro (14:00)
Introduction to Linear Regression (14:00)
Model training - Linear Regression (16:00)
Model evaluation - Linear Regression (10:00)
Regularisation - linear regression (15:00)
Assumptions of Linear Regression (11:00)
Locally weighted Linear regression (9:00)
Demonstration - Linear Regression (10:00)
Linear Regression Quiz -1
Linear Regression Quiz - 2
Introduction to Logistic Regression (13:00)
Model Training - Logistic Regression (15:00)
Model evaluation - Logistic Regression (15:00)
Demonstration - Logistic Regression (13:00)
Multiclass Classification (12:00)
Logistic Regression Quiz 1
Logistic Regression Quiz 2
Module 6 - Supervised Learning 2
Introduction to Decision Trees (27:00)
Classification Trees (5:00)
Bagging (12:00)
Boosting (12:00)
Module 7 - Unsupervised Learning
K-Means Clustering (16:00)
Demo-K-Means (16:00)
Hierarchical Clustering (13:00)
Association Rule Mining (19:00)
Demo-Association Rule Mining (16:00)
Recommendation Systems (16:00)

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
